Saturday 29 November 2014

Man crush

I have listened to Beck almost all my long life, but it was not until a few days ago I noticed that I like him like a teen girl can like Justin Bieber. The truth I will tell you I did not have idols when I was 14 or 15 years old, seriously, I just thought that Kurt Cobain had been an attractive guy, and Billie Joe was very cool, but nothing more. So now I've realized that  muscled and tanned guys do not attract me, I can say I have a real crush now, and you can say my taste in men its odd, but yeah I like it, I like him , I have sexual fantasies (its not what you think) with him.  So after all this embarrassing confession Ive just made I hope to find someone that relates to this?.

This song has a catchy tune, but the lyrics are very dark: the first verse has diamond rings, the sun and a beach, but it turns out the diamond ring isn't real, the sun has a noose on it, and there are bones on the beach.

Beck: "Originally, the lyrics to Girl were really upbeat, and then it didn't work for me somehow. You need the dichotomy. If you're doing something happy and light, you need the shadows. That was something that the Pixies did so well. Frank Black is a genius at these happy songs, and then you listen to the lyrics and they're based on (Spanish film director Luis) Bunuel films of cows' eyes getting cut." He's referring to the Pixies song Debaser." (thanks, Diane - Cedar Grove, NJ, for above 

In the chorus, Beck sings, "My ---- girl." In the CD booklet, he deliberately leaves out this word. Most think he sings "My sun-eyed girl." But in live performances, one can hear him sing, "My cyanide girl." (thanks, Rob - Patchogue, NY)

                                                                Wanna get a girl?

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